Monday, July 9, 2012

 It's Tea Time!
My little helper

I felt kinda bad making hard boiled eggs in front of Chicken Little, but with company coming for a weekend barbeque, didn't waste too much time crying over spilt milk, or cracked eggs, as it would be.

Egg is the perfect Chicken Fruit ... everyone knows to cook with eggs, but you can find just as many things to do with the shells.  After making deviled eggs, I whirred the shells in the blender, fine enough to put into the spout of an empty vinegar jug.


              Used a paper plate as a funnel,
   filled the jug to the top with warm water
  and let it sit for a week until it was STINKY Egg Shell Tea!

With the help of Cheep Labor

I put the egg shell water in one of my plant beds, for a dose of calcium.   Calcium helps plants form a sturdy cell structure and assists in fighting off disease.

..... and yes, it does stink right at first, but fades quickly.

I'll keep adding new shells to the jug and keep the batch of "tea" going thru fall.

Ahhhh, all this egg tea talk makes me want a cocktail :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Granola Girl! I've awarded you the Liebster Blog Award! Keep going with your funny posts. I love them
